In many people’s thinking reaching enlightenment, a better self, or goodness comes from making good choices, doing good things etc. They feel there are many paths to the light. But what makes good good enough? How many good acts does it take to undo a bad one? Is there a score keeper, a balance? Does writing a check to charity cancel a lie? Does it take 30 hours of community service to negate stealing?
I couldn’t live in a world like either of the ones described.
Everyone has done wrong. That doesn’t make it okay. Wrong is wrong. Harm is harm.
What is the light? Is it Heaven? Is it enlightenment of truth? Is it peace? Whatever your definition of the light, it sounds like God to me. He is the Light, revelation of truth. He created the Heavens and the Earth. Because He is the Light, he cannot have any darkness in Him. In order to have a relationship with Him we can’t have any wrongs. But it is impossible to be perfect. And you can’t ever do enough good to reverse an iota of bad.
God loves you! He really deeply loves you and He wants a relationship with you. He doesn’t love you more if you are good or less if you are bad. He just loves you. He wants to reveal the truth to you. He wants you to see the supernatural world around you. He wants you to experience the greatness of His Spirit.
God sent His only Son Jesus to you. Jesus is the exact representation of God and the manifestation of God’s will, which is to have a relationship with you! Jesus did what only He could do, He lived without sin. He died. He rose again. He forgives every sin and makes it possible for you to know God in a deep and lovely way.
Not all roads lead to God. There are not many paths to God. There is one way and only way to God, Jesus Christ His Son.