Faithful and True
May I be Your steadfast witness
You are the God Who Sees Me
Who knows me and thinks of me
May I know You O Lord
You are my All Sufficient God
Perfect and Complete
May I walk lacking nothing
You are the Living and Resurrected Lord
Who died and rose again.
May I live as a new creation in You
You are the God Who Sanctifies
Holy and Exalted
May I stand out as Your chosen holy child
You are my Benevolent and Loving Father
Who gives good gifts to His children
May I exhibit your nature
You are the God of Peace
Who sustains me
May I thank you in every circumstance
You are the All Powerful God
For Whom nothing is impossible
May I do all things through You
You are the God of Love
Who gave Yourself to the world
May I love as You do.