But this solo life has opened up lots of opportunity for me. I can do things that I couldn’t do if I had a friend with me. I am free to go, be, and do without a husband or children. I have spoken to all kinds of people. I have gone places many people will never go. I have made friends with people I wouldn’t have met or been able to spend time with because I am alone.
I think it may have made me a bit braver than I should be. I sometimes walk alone in places and situations that I realize during or afterward are not considered safe. I wonder if this is good or bad. But I have no choice. I must depend on myself to do it or no one will. I think I should figure out a way to be safer. Last night walking to a store in a not so good neighborhood or the other night walking in a city in the middle of the night were not sound decisions. But I’m not afraid. I just do it because I must.