He showed me how Salvation is like my cleaning. I moved stuff around and cleaned in places that will likely never be noticed. I removed dirt and grime from the corners that couldn’t be seen and from the surfaces that seen and used every day. I organized by placing some of the handy items my parents had in bottom drawers to the desk or the counter where they could easily get to them and use them. I broke a statuette that my Mother treasures. I’m going to have to buy her a placement that she will hopefully be more cherished if I can’t repair it. When I finished their home shined with a new look.
That is what God does for us. He saves us and forgives every sin. He cleans out the nastiness of our lives, even filth we were not aware of and may never be aware of. He gets into the corners and leaves nothing untouched. He moves things around, and our priorities change. He shows us the gifts and talents we can use to make our lives fuller. Sometimes He breaks something we thought was valuable, but He repairs it or replaces it and gives it back better than we could have dreamed. He makes us shine as He transforms us into His image and we glorify Him.
But there are differences: You see my parents’ deserve me to honor them and clean their house for them. They deserve for me to do them favors. They earned it. But you and I we do not deserve God’s grace. We did not earn the forgiveness that Jesus’ blood gives us. But He gives it joyfully! I could only clean so much. My body is flesh and gets tired. But Our Holy Spirit is omnipotent and He can do all things, nothing is impossible for Him! He can see the refuse in our lives, see how it will affect us, and He can and does make us new. We not only look fresh we are pristine and new creations.
Have you made Jesus your Lord? Have you asked for that undeserved gift of grace? Do it now. Today is the day. Now is the time. If you have no one to ask about how, then contact me, and I will gladly talk to you. Be blessed. Praise God.