Doesn’t it seem that the world is full of people who talk big and act little? People make promises we know they won’t keep. People talk so much about making a difference, yet it seems they only talk. They stand on their soap box and rant about how bad things are and tell people what they should do. But their words are only words without actions to back them up. They shout” love your neighbor!” But they let him starve. They cry, “Do good!” but they cheat and lie to get what they want. Verses 1-2 read,
“Save, O Lord, for the godly one is gone;
for the faithful have vanished from among the children of man.
2 Everyone utters lies to his neighbor;
with flattering lips and a double heart they speak.”
God’s words on the other hand are powerful perfect, and pure. His promises are not just words but fulfilled. His will is manifested by His Word. His words bring life. He created everything with His words. Words are powerful. They are not meant to flatter. They are meant to express the heart. They should be backed by deeds, actions, and truth.
David asked The Lord to shut the mouths of liars and proud who thought their words, promises and threats were enough. He asked God to silence those who acted with selfish ambition. They spoke of goodness but oppressed the poor and the weak. Verses 3-4 read,
“May the Lord cut off all flattering lips,
the tongue that makes great boasts,
4 those who say, “With our tongue we will prevail,
our lips are with us; who is master over us?”
People may deny God with shouts but that doesn’t erase Him. He is I Am. He will always keep His promises. He will always be Sovereign Holy Almighty Loving God. He will always hear the prayers of His children. How much more powerful can our words be than that He listens to us? Verses 5-6 say,
“Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan,
I will now arise,” says the Lord;
“I will place him in the safety for which he longs.”
6 The words of the Lord are pure words,
like silver refined in a furnace on the ground,
purified seven times.”
God’s Word created the universe. God’s Word brought salvation. God’s Word is perfect and pure. Jesus, the Son of God is God’s will manifested among us. God’s will is for everyone to be saved and be in a relationship with Him. He made it possible by becoming a man and paying for our sins with His life. John 1:14 tells us,
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
No one can take us out of God’s protection. No one can separate us from His perfect love. Verses 7-8 read,
“You, O Lord, will keep them;
you will guard us from this generation forever.
8 On every side the wicked prowl,
as vileness is exalted among the children of man.”
Do not believe the words of the enemy. He is a liar seeking to destroy the Kingdom of God and t the very least make you ineffective. Keep faith in The Lord. The enemy will not win. He has already lost.
Do not be like the wicked who speak flowers but act with thorns. Let your words be expressed in action. Rather than wish someone well, do something to make them well.