This section includes a list of warnings about destructive behaviors. These are behaviors you might recognize in yourself and if you do, take heed to the warning. Repent before the choice to repent is taken away. One day it will be too late.
Woe is the word Isaiah uses in this chapter it speaks of a warning upcoming affliction, and severe suffering. Do these descriptions sound familiar? Do they remind you of anyone close to you? Do see yourself, even an inkling of yourself in there? We are warned for a reason. We are warned because there is a chance to recognize and act. There is an option to be convicted and repent.
Woe to the greedy pursuing wealth. Woe to those who seek prosperity. You might attain riches but you will cost yourself relationships, you’ll live in your mansions and be alone. But the LORD says one day even your fortune won’t help you. The world will suffer famine, the economy will be so bad that your money will be useless to provide you comfort. (Verses 8-10).
Woe to the drunkard chasing the party. You want to get drunk and high from sunrise to late into the night. You carouse and a look for a good time and ignore the signs of God, His great works and all He does. It’s happening right in front of your face but you can’t see it because your too busy looking for the next festivity. (Verses 11-12).
So many people are pursuing prosperity and chasing down a good time that they are ignoring and have even become blind to The LORD. They are not only walking down that wide welcoming path of destruction and death to eternal Hell, they are running there and are excited and proud of it.
They don’t know the truth, the hope, or the joy of God. They suffer needlessly. They hunger and thirst for truth and Love but they try to satisfy their flesh instead of their souls. They don’t know what they are doing. They don’t know the truth. They haven’t been shown the wonderful awesome truth of Jesus Christ. They party in pride and ignorance but Jesus offers Salvation. Verses 15-17 read,
“Man is humbled, and each one is brought low,
and the eyes of the haughty are brought low.
16 But the Lord of hosts is exalted in justice,
and the Holy God shows himself holy in righteousness.
17 Then shall the lambs graze as in their pasture,
and nomads shall eat among the ruins of the rich.”
We who are saved who pursue righteousness rather than prosperity or revelry will enjoy the comfort, joy, and provision of The Holy God.
Woe to those who stubbornly and purposely continue to sin. They are actually proud of their evil. They know it is wrong and they delight in it, even getting others to go down to darkness with them. They mock God saying, “If he’s gonna do something about it, then why doesn’t he do it? Hurry up! Strike me down if you’re so great!”
Woe to those who say that evil is good and good is evil. They’ve twisted things, they believe and make others believe that atrocious acts are good and that those who oppose them are the wicked. For example, the horrendous murderous act of abortion is exalted as good, and the person who stands against it is portrayed as hate personified. What about the person who bombs abortion clinics or kills people who they label infidels. They have made love into hate and hate into love.
Woe to the proud who think they are so wise and smart on their own. (Verse 21).
Woe people who pursue drinking alcohol as if it a championship sport in need of a champion. (Verse 22).
Woe to those who look the other way and take bribes instead of seeking justice and protecting the innocent and the victims. (Verse 23).
They won’t get away with it forever. One day the truth about who each of us is will be shown. Our core will be revealed. If we despised the law of The LORD God of Hosts, if we rejected His Word, it will be revealed and the consequences will be dire.
God’s wrath will be released. There will be earthquakes and other natural disasters so devastating the bodies will appear to be mountains of trash! (Verse 25). At that weakened state still suffering from the poor economy made worse by catastrophes wars will be fought. The armies God sends against the poor haggard and starving of once rich and falsely proud will be strong, vigorous, fast, and excellent warriors. There will be no hope in sight. There will be no light to save you and no sound but the roar of the army. (Verses 26-30).
It will be too late on that day. But it isn’t too late now. Now is the time to examine yourself and choose your Lord. Is it Jesus or is it you? If you pursue prosperity, revelry, self, evil or lies, you serve yourself and you will face the consequences. But if you accept the Love of God, the gift of His grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, and His Awesome Beautiful Spirit then you serve Him and eternal life and hope are yours. Choose now. Today is the day of your salvation.