Today we begin a new book. Normally I would choose an Old Testament book to complete but I want to read all the epistles, so we will begin Galatians.
Paul begins the letter with this amazing introduction in verse 1,
“Paul, an apostle—not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead”
Paul was not brought to Christ through any man. No man preached the Gospel to him. He was chosen, called, and taught by God. While the story of your conversion may not be as spectacular as Paul’s, it was still God who called and chose you. It is still Jesus who saved you and forgave you. It is still The Holy Spirit who teaches and transforms you. He may use your fellow man to do some of your discipling, but your salvation is still from God and through Him.
The power that raised Jesus from the dead has resurrected your soul and given you a new life. And what an amazing life it is! You and I are not meant to be sloths in The Kingdom. We are called to be marvelous and powerful shakers and movers in the world. We have a job to do. We were saved for a purpose.
Verses 3-5 read,
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.”
We should be walking in His grace and peace, no longer at war with Him but unified with Him in His intention and goal to bring the lost to God, make disciples, and to love others as Jesus loves us. Jesus died for us, He saved us from the evil of the present age to the perfection and goodness of eternity because God loves us so much. How can we then just waste away this wonderful gift by sitting idly by? Some don’t even allow The Holy Spirit to transform them.
We are here to glorify God. Do you remember what that entails? Glorification not only magnifies Christ and puts His name on many tongues as they praise Him, it mirrors His image to further exalt Him. We become more and more like Him. We give Him the credit for all the magnificent things He is doing through us and for us. We do what our Lord would do by actively loving, choosing what is right, and obeying His commands.
We may be in this evil age, but we are not of it. We are children of God, citizens of Heaven, and members of the royal priesthood. Praise God! Adore and praise Him. Glory to God forever and ever. Amen.