Recall yesterday’s reading of verses 1-7 of this chapter, Isaiah was having a vision of Glorious Mighty God and realized his sin made him unworthy to be in God’s presence. He confessed his sin and The Lord sent a seraphim with a burning coal to touch his lips and in verse 7 said, “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.”
Verse 8 reads, “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”
Isaiah had received salvation, grace and mercy. Now the Lord said “There’s a job to be done.” And Isaiah immediately was ready to do it. His response was “Here I am! Send me.” He didn’t say, I need some evangelism classes, a year of discipleship, and a study to determine my gifts. He said, “Here I am! Send me.”
He knew that his people were just as sinful as he was. They needed salvation just as much as he did. He knew The Lord could save them and wanted to save them. He was ready to go, do, and speak what The Lord would have him do and speak wherever He was sent.
He didn’t ask, “Where will you send me, what will I say, or what will I do?” He said, ““Here I am! Send me.” He didn’t ask for a list of openings in the temple roster so he could see which need he would choose to fill. He stepped up to the plate and was ready and willing to do whatever God would have him do.
There is nothing wrong with discipleship. In fact it is important and necessary. Evangelism classes are great if they will give you the courage and boldness to share the Gospel with the world. Knowing your gifts is important too and if you do not recognize them in yourself then do a test, ask a friend, and most of all pray for revelation. None of those things are prerequisites to serving the Lord. The only criteria for serving God is your willingness.
God has a job for you! There are millions of people who are lost, who do not know the true love of the Father, the forgiveness of Jesus, or the comfort of The Spirit. God has a message for them. He is looking for someone to love them as He loves. He is looking for someone to use the gifts He’s given them to bring the broken to Him. Will it be you? Are you there? Are you willing to go? Are you ready to step out of the temple and shine the light of God’s glory and love into the darkness?
God created you and chose you for a job. Isaiah was a prophet, whose wiliness to serve God resulted in prolific and poignant prophecy that still impact us today. You, child of the King have the power of The Holy Spirit, the authority of Christ, and the calling of The LORD. Shine for Him. Go, do, speak truth, and love.